Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Experience During Drama Fair

The whole PIP just had one more week to English Drama Fair. My group was not even prepared with anything. All i have was a mask for me where i was going to act as the beast in my fairy tail story. I bought that mask at Central market in KL. At the same time i was chosen as one of the player for the rugby team representing Mara Professional College Bandar Penawar at the Close K.P.M. rugby competition held that Saturday until Sunday at K.P.M. Branang, and our drama was on the Tuesday where i just have one day off to prepare for that night after i get back from the rugby competition. Before i left my group, i manage to do my part as the script writer and came out with quite a compact and easy to be understand dialog and shared among my group members. We practised quite hard for the a few days before i left them. My rugby team played well, but pitty us the winning was not on our side to be the champion instead we just got 3rd overall and categorised as the winner for BOWL. I was really tired after i got back from that competition but still,I had to fight my tiredness and perform well for the drama fair to get an "A" which was 10% for my carry marks for my English subject. I was really happy with my group because they manage to cooperate with me and did what I asked them to do before i left them. My narrators prepared their props and so as the beauty,merchant and the old lady, where we played a story entitled "Beauty and the Beast". We manage to prepare for a few more touches until the final night( TUESDAY ). My heart was pumping really fast, faster then anything that you could ever imagine, guess what i forgot to print out. The Folio!. I thought it was my friends task to print it out but than she gave the pendrive to me without telling me. I was really pissed off that time but I didn't mention it to her. I quickly went to my friends dorm and asked him for a favor by printing out the folio that is needed by the lecturer before we could start our play. They all waited for me. I didn't bring my phone along when i went to print that folio. The time was showing 10 more minutes to 8.30 P.M. I ran to the hall with my unbuttoned long sleave, with a very tired face and sweaty at the same time passed that folio to my friend and told my group to get ready insted I was the only one left not ready at all. The other group members thought that I slept until my look was so messy. All i wanted that time was to get an "A" and finish that drama thing. Minute by minute passed. The judge blew her wistle more than twice already but my play was still on until the sound of the kompang was played meaning that the beauty and the beast got married. My group assembled and introduced our character's. We stood straight and hoped that a good comment would be given to us AND atleast ask 1 or 2 questions, But insted the mean and ugly judges furthermore the most fattes lecturer of them all just gave a very unplesent smile and said "Ouh!,Your story is too long TQ. The next group may proceed."(Who eats Chilli, They feel hot) What does that mean.?! Please dont be unProfressional even though i don't know what the hell im talking about, but atleast communicate with us so that we can get rid off our stage fright, thats how we learn people. HELLO!. Give us a chance. We too have feelings alright. Okei, I'm done being emotional. Other than that, i'm also not satisfied about the mark that was given by our lecturer. How can the other lecturer give their students 10/10 and he cant. How unfair is that, it's not that were not gratefull with the mark he gave us but, poor to the student's that can't score well in their final exam. Isn't 10% is like a bonus for the other classes already?. To me it's a head start for the other classes to pass. Forgive me for being such an unkind person to who ever is reading this post. I hope i could do better in everything that i do and be among the best so that I can be an example to others to follow and lastly Thank You Mr.Bayu for helping me out with my english writing. I think without your help I wouldn't never be able to write any essy this long. I don't know if this is called an essy. But thank you very much.!